The Country Squire

April 10, 2010 Port City Paranormal ® conducted their first investigation of the legendary Country Squire Inn and Restaurant. Our hostess, Mrs. Iris Lennon took the team on a tour of the area but did not relate any information of prior paranormal experiences. The staff and Mrs Lennon met with Jc before the vigil where the history of the land, buildings, and haunted history were reviewed. The reports of paranormal activity witnessed include whispers, full body apparitions, pots swinging on racks,shadow people moving through halls,and glass breaking. Once a patron
reported darts being thrown over guests as they dined in the Tavern Room!

The Country Squire has been in business for 49 years. The building was built from lumber and logs from the early 1700’s(Baronial Hall). The architecture of the restaurant was further expanded by the additions of sections of other old buildings from the area and bricks from the old
Bowden Hotel in Wilmington. The many antiques, old fireplaces, and darkened corridors add to the possibility of dining with Spirits!

The Port City Paranormal ®team set up to investigate this famous restaurant with anticipation of a busy night. Reports of ghosts, missing and moving items were well known to us. Our investigators had personal recorders and KII meters on when we entered. During this visit, the Baronial Hall( the oldest part of the building) exhibited the most active EMF variations. KII hits were rare in other areas. Our personal experiences, although not scientific evidence, were the feeling of being followed, watched and psychic communication with the dead.

KII sweeps did not detect any EMF that would explain these feelings. Cold spots were noted and shadow figures were seen darting from room to room. One team member reported being touched by small, cold little fingers while in the Jester’s Court.

We reviewed approximately 32 hours of video, and 54 hours of audio to find over 40 EVP. No video or still photo evidence was captured during this investigation. We are currently trying to determine if some EVP are residual, but many seem to be active, intelligent responses to our questions. A few EVP were clear (A1)but many seemed garbled, or possibly in another language. The origin of messages recorded became more apparent when played during the reveal. Although the messages were not clear to us, they were to our Scottish hostess. Miss Iris commented that one sounded identical to the lullaby by her mother sang to her as a child.

After reviewing the data, we feel we have captured significant audio evidence of both active and residual hauntings at The Country Squire.
Our personal experiences and those of the owner and staff support our conclusions. We will continue to examine the evidence……and will post more as we discover each new voice.